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  Family Name Locality Quality Size Range Sex Price  
Sphingidae Acherontia atropos (Deaths Head Hawkmoth) Ukraine A1 10.0 cm P $54.00 Purchase

Sphingidae Acherontia atropos (Deaths Head Hawkmoth) Ukraine A1 10.0 cm F $30.00 Purchase

Sphingidae Acherontia styx Thailand A1 7.5-8.0 cm M $16.00 Purchase

Sphingidae Acherontia styx Thailand A1 8-9.0 cm F $18.00 Purchase

Sphingidae Acherontia styx Thailand A1 7-5-9.0 cm P $32.00 Purchase

Saturnidae Actias ningpoana Yunnan, China A1 9.0 cm 3P $162.00 Purchase

Saturnidae Actias ningpoana Yunnan China A1 9.0 cm M $32.00 Purchase

Saturnidae Actias ningpoana Yunnan, China A1- 9.0 cm M $8.00 Purchase

Saturnidae Actias ningpoana Yunnan, China A1 9.0 cm P $60.00 Purchase

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